IRCA, simplifying by Connettendo

Coffee Laboratory

The advent of Digital Technologies (IOT, IIOT, Cloud, Big data Analysis) is providing the manufacturing enterprises that operate in both B2C and in B2B with the opportunity of developing smart products and processes that enable an evolution of their current business models – typically product based – towards new model modalities use-based, as service provider and solutions provider. Some years ago, Zoppas Industries HET undertook the development of its own IoT infrastructure, officially released in 2016 for the B2B market with CONNETTENDO brand.

Life test boiler for commercial appliances

The platform supports a line of electronic controls equipped with connectivity, produced for the European market of the residential electric heating. Moreover, the IoT technology has allowed developing a front end service offered in “as-a-service” modality to the customer companies of the chain (OEMs, Wholesalers, After-Sale Service) for after sales services and to final consumers, for the remote control and monitoring of consumption statistics of one’s own house.

During the last year, they have implemented Cloud-to-Cloud integrations with IoT infrastructures of some players in the Smart Home market, like for instance the producers of Smart Thermostats, some European platforms of Home automation and the main Digital Assistants.
The services developed on CONNETTENDO are supported by Use-oriented business models in the subscription or pay-per-use modality. In some cases, these new scenarios have enabled new possible business models directly addressing final consumers or wholesalers, that is to say creating new business relationships that become conveyor of information or of services.

Thermoblock for consumer coffee machines

The effects of such evolution are manifold and imply a mindset change for the proposing company, the capability of analysing and financially supporting investment plans in the medium-long term and the shift towards a service-oriented culture and organization. Starting from the last two years, CONNETTENDO technology has been also used to support a part of the information infrastructure of Italian manufacturing sites in the ambit of digitalization projects by group’s Industry 4.0 team.
The issue of start-ups and of the contamination they can create inside enterprises has been faced by Zoppas Industries HET for some years, in the ambit of digital transformation activities.
The start-up model, in particular, is characterized by some aspects that well complement the traditional business culture, like, for instance, the nimbleness and the organizational dimension, the search for new markets and sustainable business models, the failure culture.
Zoppas Industries HET has introduced the Lean start-up model in the innovation area, to promote a culture oriented to agility and change and to experiment a leaner management modality of the risk connected with investments in innovation activities. For some years, some collaborations have been in force with start-ups mainly coming from the digital world, as support of innovation and product development teams and of the digital factory, operating on specific matters and mainly for Proof of Concept activities. In some cases, the company has supported start-ups at incubators outside the corporate perimeter on specific and medium-term projects.

IRCA is sponsor of Atelier Appliances (