Market surveillance: a priority for appliances industry


The surveillance of the market and of the quality and safety of products introduced on the market itself remain fundamental steps for the European industry. But, as explained by Ceced Europe, it requires the establishment of specific authorities, standards and investments.
The Market Surveillance Draft Regulation recognises the importance of market surveillance authorities and the need of EU countries to finance adequately the consistent check of real home appliance products taken directly from the market. With a number of new regulations coming into force, the role of market surveillance experts will be crucial.
The plan to establish a EU Product Compliance Network, built on already developed systems and databases, such as the communication system for the pan-European market surveillance (ICSMS) and the rapid alert system notifying about risks to safety of consumers (RAPEX), is definitely promising. Indeed, Ceced underlines, industry needs harmonised and reliable criteria for testing throughout the European Union and manufacturers hope the new Network will improve coordination between the market experts.
«Our association – said CECED’s Director-General, Paolo Falcioni – has been the first to predate this “Memorandum of understanding” back in 2009, we called it ATLETE (Appliance Testing for Energy Label Evaluation). We know from experience that this method will work. However, while CECED supports better coordination between industry and market surveillance authorities, we trust that this concept will not be used to make industry take over market surveillance financing.
The health of the consumers is our top priority and a safety hazard should imply an immediate withdrawal from the market. This measure, however, could not apply if minor administrative concerns are present»