Hi Pedini: the 4.0 kitchen


Pedini, Italian company of furnishing has recently signed a partnership with Microsoft and IoMote to create Hi Pedini, an intelligent 4.0 kitchen, that combines the sophisticated made-in-Italy design with the most advanced technologies. This kitchen of the future is already reality: the project is displayed at the Microsoft Technology Center of the Microsoft House. With the free App and a sophisticated sensors system, in the Hi Pedini kitchen it is possible to analyze the air quality and receive indications about the need, for example, to open the windows; check power consumption in real time and receive report via smartphone about what appliance is consuming energy and how much; observe movements, thanks to sensors as large as a 2 euro coin to be applied to cabinets doors and drawers; check for leakage of gas and smoke. And these are only some of the possible functions of this kitchen of the latest generation.
«Hi Pedini – explains Daniele Radi Temelini, president of Pedini – is the result of the strategic orientation of our brand to the eco-sustainable and….smart home. If the safeguard of the environment and health has always been a fundamental value for Pedini, which uses only wood from controlled forests, recyclable materials and processing with minimal impact for its furnishings, the company has moved forward. By using the new opportunities offered by the latest generation industry, an advanced artificial intelligence system has been developed into a kitchen that can offer unprecedented levels of interaction with the user. Being design, quality and ergonomics essential qualities that the brand has been ensuring for decades, today it becomes crucial to respond to customer expectations with an up-to-date value offering. The game is played on the ability to offer those pluses that improve the quality of life.»