CECED: consultation on the Code of Conducts for the products end-of-life


CECED, the European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers, has launched a one-month consultation on its new draft Code of Conducts on marking appliances for end-of-life. It is another important step within the circular economy project that the Association is strongly promoting. With the Code of Conducts a regular bilateral discussion is established between producers and recyclers over the last years, and producers’obligations under the WEEE Directive Article 15 to provide treatment facilities with information necessary to ensure sound treatment of WEEE. With this voluntary action, CECED members are committed to show the home appliance industry’s proactivity on end-of-life and resource efficiency. As explained by the Committee, “CECED members have been working on developing two code of conducts to ease the identification at end-of-life of certain types of appliances to support treatment facilities and recyclers in sorting appliances for sound collection and treatment at the end-of-life. This will facilitate safer and environmentally sound treatment of these types of appliances. With this initiative, CECED members aspire to contribute to improving WEEE treatment by encouraging the ongoing productive dialogue with recyclers, providing them with useful information and indication on the future needs of recycling technologies, while sending a positive signal to the market.”
To read the whole document, visit: http://www.ceced.eu/site-ceced/Latest-News/2017/One-month-consultation-on-two-new-CECED-draft-Code-of-Conducts-on-marking-of-appliances-for-end-of-life-treatment.html.