Italian design: the appliances selected by the ADI Design Index


The ADI Design Index closed the selection of products that will participate to the contest of the 2018 edition of Compasso d’Oro Award. This year the ADI Design Permanent Observatory chose 204 products, selected among the best Italian design creations from different category: from furniture to lamps, from vehicles to personal items and from materials to components for architecture and graphics. Of course, home appliances could not miss the opportunity to show how much design is part of the modern engineering in the industry. Two are the selected products from the sector: the blast chiller Freddy by Irinox (MM Design) and Nikola Tesla, the induction hob with integrated suction system by Elica.
The products in the 2017 ADI Design Index are featured in a catalogue (published by ADIper and available online on ADI’s website) with graphic design by Marco Marangone while the exhibition design project is by the Gumdesign studio.