Twenty Spa becomes Sèleco SpA


Many news arrive for the Italian company Twenty SpA. First of all it changed name becoming Sèleco SpA and will have a share capital of 3.5 million euro. The new Sèleco has also renewed the governance structure, now stronger and more flexible: Maurizio Pannella has assumed the position of President and Managing Director, while Fabio Cuppitelli, former Administrative and Financial Director of several companies, has been appointed General Manager.
«For Twenty SpA- explains Pannella – the purchase of Sèleco in December 2016 represented a breakthrough and for this reason we felt the need for a new name that would represent us the best”.
In conjunction with the name change, the company closed the capital increase, up 3.5 million euro, and transferred its headquarter to Corso Vittorio Emanuele 30 in Milan, now new address of the Legal and Operations Offices.
Sèleco SpA is also owner of the Magnadyne brand, acquired in 2016, one of the most prestigious names among Italian manufacturers of radio equipment. In January 2017, it acquired the exclusive license for distributing in Italy the range of small electrical appliances signed by Necchi.