Double digit growth for wearable devices


In the GfK Tech Trends 2016 survey carried out in 16 countries, one third (33%) of interviewed people told they track or monitor their health or fitness via an on-line or mobile application, fitness band, clip or smartwatch. In China, it’s 45%, followed by 29% in both the United States and Brazil, 28% in Germany and 26% in France. GfK point-of-sale figures show that the market for wearables is enjoying healthy double-digit growth. From January to December 2016, the European market (16 countries tracked) increased 45% to reach a volume 13 million devices. Great Britain remains the largest market. Among products category, the best-seller were health & fitness trackers (53% of the sold units), followed by smartwatches (32%). In Asia the growth was more significant, with an increase in wearable devices units of 51%, reaching 42 million products, of which 55% were health & fitness trackers and 17% smartwatches.