#Industry4Europe: the new action by Ceced


Another initiative has been launched by Ceced Europa, the European Committee of Domestic Equipment Manufacturers that today comes together with over 90 other European industry associations and trans-sectoral organizations. This time the Committee prepared a Joint Declaration to propose the European Commission a concrete action plan for the home appliances sector recovery and development.
«This new ambitious Joint Declaration – Paolo Falcioni, Ceced general director explains – again underlines the need for policy makers to support more strongly European industry within Europe’s wider economy. As laid out in the Joint Declaration, we all need the swift and determined support of European Institutions and Member States to help create more jobs and growth in Europe».
In an incisive document, Ceced underlines the value of the industry for the European growth.
«Europe is the cradle of the manufacturing industry – the Declaration starts – and has been at the forefront of industrial revolutions and technological innovations. The industry directly employs over 34 million people across all Member States, in supply chains comprising hundreds of thousands of SMEs and larger suppliers. It also indirectly accounts for millions of additional jobs in related sectors. The European manufacturing industry has tremendous capacity for research and innovation, boasts a skilled workforce and has earned a global reputation for quality and sustainability. What it now needs is the swift and determined support of the European institutions and the Member States to create more jobs and growth in Europe. The time has come to raise the alarm about the considerable challenges that we are all facing.»All the Joint Declaration in published at the following link: http://ceced.cmail19.com/t/j-l-ujlhkyt-edlykuklk-t/