Bosch launches the first connected range for USA


boschFrom 10 to 12 January the Design and Construction Week 2017 is displaying in Orlando many interesting news also in home appliances sector. Among them, one of the protagonist is Bosch, the German brand that is presenting its rich offer for the new year, appliances and a connected range, created on the bases of the people needs. With the slogan “Invented for Life”, Bosch expresses its intention to simplify everyday life. The company’s innovations include silent washing machines with big capacity and a system to simplify the dishes loading and unloading, new refrigerators featuring an advanced technology that keeps food fresh for a longer time and the first Bosch Home Connect range of appliances for the United States market: many kind of solutions, such as ovens, refrigerators, built-in coffee, dishwashers and washing machines and wall ovens.