Samsung launches the new AddWash models


addwashAt IFA 2016 Samsung presented two new products of the AddWash range: the washer-dryer Combo and the slim version. The first has two variants, the WD6500K and the WD5500K. The standout AddWash feature is coupled with Air Wash, common to both models, which uses only heated warm air to deodorize and sanitize clothes. That saves them from the wear and tear of a standard load, freshening up laundry without water or detergents. The AddDoor can also be used during a drying cycle. It is perfect for items that require dry cleaning, helping families save money and cut down on expensive bills. The Slim lineup, instead, has three variants, the WW6500K, WW5500K, and WW4500K. All feature a very slim profile while offering a range of capacities: 6KG, 7KG, 8KG, and 9KG, to fit modern urban lifestyles which put a premium on available indoor space. Each also comes with Ecobubble technology and Bubble Soak, which adds an extra phase to a normal washing cycle to thoroughly soak dirty clothes in active bubbles, loosening dirt and stains to prepare them to be removed much more effectively.