BSH presented at IFA Mykie, the personal assistant for the kitchen


bsh_mykie_bosch_021Connected and voice-controlled, Mykie is the kitchen assistant launched by BSH during the latest edition of IFA. This device not only communicates with the user through facial expressions, movement and speech, but also provides whole new possibilities for bringing people together to share joint experiences in the kitchen. Mykie is a concept from Home Connect, with which BSH is embarking into the world of personal assistants. He responds to the user’s voice by means of voice recognition, listens to the user, answers their questions and offers support for a host of everyday topics – he knows immediately, for example, what’s in the fridge, how much longer the cake still has to bake in the oven, and whether the sun will still be shining in the afternoon. The user can use the connected Mykie to conveniently control the entire range of home appliance functions. In addition, Mykie will provide attractive and varied services to make organizing everyday life easier.
And he also brings his users together virtually, if they so desire with cooking together or sharing recipe ideas becoming child’s play.