Group Seb closed a very good quarter



Good results both for the third quarter and for the first nine month of 2015 for Groupe Seb. The company recorded from June to September a revenue of 1,127 million euro, a 9.7% reported gain that reflected organic growth of 7.8%, a 1.2% positive currency effect that added 12 million euro and a 0.7% or 7 million euro increase from the consolidation of OBH Nordica as from 1 September.
Sales for the first nine months of the year reached 3,240 million euro, up 13.5%. The 8.4% organic growth was driven by every product category and every geography, with gains in both mature markets (up 7%) and emerging economies (up 10%). Currency effects added 139 million euro to nine-month revenue, with a lesser impact in the third quarter due to the weakening of several emerging currencies during the summer, which dampened the positive impact from the stronger dollar and yuan.