Groupe SEB will acquire OBH Nordica

T. de La Tour d’Artaise, Chairman and CEO of Groupe SEB
T. de La Tour d’Artaise, Chairman and CEO of Groupe SEB

Groupe SEB has announced an agreement with funds advised by Triton to purchase 100% of shares of the OBH Nordica group, a leading player in the small domestic appliance (SDA) industry in Scandinavia. The closing is expected to take place at the end of August, which is the end of OBH Nordica’s fiscal year. Founded in 2002 and headquartered in Sundbyberg, north of Stockholm, this company markets a wide range of kitchen products (kitchen electrics and cookware), representing 80% of its revenue, as well as personal and home care appliances. Thanks to strong in-house innovation, the company enjoys top-ranking positions in the Nordic region, implementing a single brand strategy with high awareness in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. It has a solid foothold in all distribution channels, with access to some 4,200 points of sales. OBH Nordica achieved SEK612 million turnover in 2014 (approximately 65 million euro) and has around 7% value market share in the Nordic SDA market. «We are delighted to welcome OBH Nordica into Groupe SEB – T. de La Tour d’Artaise, Chairman and CEO of Groupe SEB comments -. OBH Nordica holds very strong market positions and enjoys an outstanding reputation and awareness which will allow us to reach our full potential in Scandinavia.»