Good results for appliances in Western Europe



According to GfK Temac, the first quarter of 2015 was quite successful for the Western European market both for Small and for Major Domestic Appliances. Small Appliances recorded a sales growth of 9.7 percent, compared to Q1 2014, with revenue of 3.8 billion euro. Almost all product groups showed a positive trend. The remarkable, double-digit upward trend in some large segments such as vacuum cleaners, shavers, dental care products and food preparation equipment continued.
Major Domestic Appliances market also increased its sales volume by 5.4 percent, with revenue of 8 billion euro. Tumble dryers again registered double-digit growth, and free-standing appliances witnessed a marginal price increase in the first quarter. Among appliances with an A+++ energy efficiency rating, there were positive developments throughout all segments. However, prices for those energy-saving appliances again declined.