HAIER: a company refrigerator is product of the year in India


The new Bottom Mounted Refrigerator by Haier has received the title of ‘Product of the Year’ in India. The ‘Product of the Year’ is an international standard of consumer recognition and is the largest consumer voted award. The Haier product has been awarded in the refrigerator category resulting through a multi-step process which started with a judging panel conducting extensive review tests of the product, which was followed by a door-to-door research facilitated by Nielsen. The survey was conducted keeping into consideration consumers’ understanding of the product and its appeal to the users, and the statement of the company.


The new Haier Bottom Mounted refrigerator features 1HIT (One Hour Icing Technology) which makes them one of the fastest cooling refrigerators in the industry, big storage space for vegetables in the refrigerator; 1 Touch control LED display, inverter Compressor technology and foldable glass shelves.