FRANKE: new member for the Group management board

Lars Völkel Division Head of Franke Kitchen Systems and member of the Franke Group management board
Lars Völkel Division Head of Franke Kitchen Systems and
member of the Franke Group management board

Franke has named Lars Völkel as the new Division Head of Franke Kitchen Systems and at the same time as a member of the Franke Group management board. Lars Völkel is taking over the role of president/CEO of  Franke’s Kitchen Systems Division with effect from January 1, 2015. Until now, this position has been held temporarily as part of a dual role by Alexander Zschokke, president/CEO of the Franke Group. Lars Völkel has been working as president marketing & sales at Franke since June of this year. In this role, he was already responsible for all sales and marketing units within Franke Kitchen Systems. Before joining Franke, the 39-year-old German was Executive Vice President Luxury Retail & Professional at Nobia, where he was also CEO of Poggenpohl. Previously, he was responsible for Electrolux Major Appliances of Western Europe.