2 EUROPEAN TCG RETAIL SUMMIT April 22-23, 2015 Mirasierra Suites, Madrid


The European TCG Retail Summit is the only pan-European event that brings together thought leaders, decision makers and opinion leaders from TCG retail from all over Europe – on both national and international level – to debate, discuss and analyze the implications of the latest developments in TCG retailing (Consumer Electronics, Domestic Appliances, Information Technology, Telecommunication).
This is the opportunity of the year to delve into the heart of TCG retailing, take a step back to see things in a new light and build a new cross-border network at senior level.
EuTCGRS_4c_2_posThe only time during the year when CEO´s, Managing Directors, Senior Buyers, Sales Directors, Marketing Directors, E-commerce Directors and other senior managers, both national and international, will meet outside the usual exhibition dates.
April 22 – 23, 2015 in Madrid at the exclusive “Mirasierra Suites”, which until recently was the accommodation of Real Madrid football team before each home game.
The “European TCG Retail Summit” is much more than simply a series of presentations. The focus is on interaction. The presentations will be actively analyzed by domain experts: the guest speakers will face the antithesis of international top-management in direct discussion or panel format. The public can also actively participate directly in this discussion using newest media technology. The audience and speakers will participate equally in the content of this conference.
The “European TCG Retail Summit” is the prime network platform in Europe for senior managers from the TCG industry in which you can expand your national and international network in a relaxed atmosphere.
ae-apparecchielettrodomestici is the only mediumItalian partner of the event. We will talk about that.