Energy labelling under the lens: the results of Atlete II


9 ott 2014The second step of Atlete project was concluded. This special initiative, co-founded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Program of the European Union, evaluated energy labeling and ecodesign of washing machines, the second most important appliance in European households. It started on 1 May 2012 and was conducted by eleven partners from seven different countries.
Working closely with Market Surveillance Authorities, Atlete is intended to give a contribution to the Member States to improve their control of labeling and ecodesign implementation measures.
For the first time in the EU, some washing machine models were tested under the new Energy Labeling regulations, while the first phase of Atlete concerned the refrigerators.
The “Appliance Testing for Washing Machines Energy Label and Ecodesign Evaluation” Atlete II project has randomly tested 50 washing machines to verify their compliance with Energy Labelling and ecodesign legislation requirements. Testing has focused not only on pure technical parameters but also energy label declarations, information provided to consumers in instruction booklets and any other mandatory product information that is provided to consumers.

Atlete II results
100% compliance rate with the energy efficiency class and energy consumption declarations for the Energy Label
100% compliance rate with energy and water consumption ecodesign minimum requirements
92% overall compliance rate for functional performance class and parameters
84% overall compliance of the product fiche and ecodesign requested information availability and proper format
64% compliance with the requirement to indicate the standard program on the machine
38% compliance rate for the ecodesign requested information to be provided in the booklet of instructions
30% overall compliance rate when including all individual parameters