Senior people buy more appliances on-line


The digital divide between young and old people is going to be more and more reduced. Also with regard to e-commerce. 

29 sett2014According to the latest edition of the New Media Research by GfK Eurisko, a growing number of Internet users exceed the age of 55.

At the end, the web revolution has ‘overwhelmed’ them too, despite their skepticism and difficulties to accept it. They have understood the usefulness of this technological medium so that today, only in Italy, there are 4.5 million seniors who use the Internet, 70% of whom claims to appreciate just its usefulness.

A large and growing phenomenon in the world too, favored by the migratory flows that separate families and individuals, which now regularly communicate thanks to the new digital tools.

But communication is only the first step. Seniors, in fact, have started to purchase goods and services too, among which also home appliances. According to the research data by GfK Eurisko, 7% of elderly people who uses the Net buy household appliances on-line and 11% also purchase IT hardware on the web.

It will therefore be increasingly important to help these special consumers, recently entered the world of the Internet, in the choice of products and in the purchase processes.