FALMEC The power of know-how


The strategies of a made-in-Italy reality that focuses on quality and innovation to conquer the consumer and help buyers to stand out in their own markets


Falmec Marylin E.ion System
Falmec Marylin E.ion System

Specialization is a value at the basis of Falmec production. From its origins, in fact, the Italian company has focused on hoods and exhausting systems, consolidating a technological know-how that allows it to be positioned in the medium-high level of the sector. From the idea to the finished product, each project rises and grows at Vittorio Veneto, in a large site that houses offices, showrooms and factories. In a globalized economy context and of industrial relocation, it is an example of 100% made-in-ItalY.

Interview to Andrea Poser, marketing manager

Andrea Poser, Falmec marketing manager
Andrea Poser, Falmec marketing manager

Tradition and innovation: how do they live together in your mission?
To innovate means to propose useful and quality products. Our research activities have always followed this guideline. Tradition, however, means the experience accumulated over the years, which has enabled us to gain knowledge and expertise to realize quality hoods. It has therefore a value for the present and represents a guarantee of continuity for innovation itself.

Has the balance between these two components led to specific measures in terms of productive organization?
From the production to the finished product, all our hoods are made in the headquarters at Vittorio Veneto. The direct control of the various production stages, from design to delivery, allows us to work with a great flexibility and speed, both in the management of the new models and in the improvements we introduce in the existing products. We believe that the speed in adapting to market needs is essential. So we try to reconcile efficiency and flexibility, elements that often tend to go in opposite directions.

How do you manage to intercept or anticipate new trends in demand?
Anticipating the times is not easy, but through a careful study of the market and the constant collaboration with our customers, we can obtain good results.

What tools allow you to meet the specific needs of a buyer?
Even in this case, the solution lies in production flexibility, which allows us to make specific products to intercept specific markets requirements.

Which positioning do you intend to pursue in the future?
The entire Falmec production is recognized for its quality, innovation, made-in-Italy and medium-high positioning. These are elements that must be cultivated every day and remain our focus for the future too.

Are the international certifications an opportunity to reaffirm the intrinsic value of your production?
No doubt. The certifications are for the public an additional warranty, proving that the products have been made according to specific quality standards.

What does the expression “Made in Italy” suggest to you nowadays?
We believe it has a value far greater than the simple literal meaning of what is “made (geographically) in Italy”. For us, made-in-Italy is a concept that expresses the value of industrial know-how that have been developed in our country. It is a certificate of quality, creativity and professionalism of the whole production chain. Italy is made by small and medium-sized enterprises, by high skills districts and expertise distributed throughout the country.

What characteristics allow a national product to stand out in the global market?
Our goal is to offer useful and quality products. Quality is achieved with a continuous improvement activity and attention in all design and construction phases. Even more important, perhaps, is innovation that allows to improve the experience of the public in the kitchen. An example of this are the two collections that we recently presented: the first includes the quietest hoods in the world, the second the filtering hoods which can purify the air by up to 95%. It is clear that in these two cases – in addition to the quality in the traditional sense – it has been added the ability to perceive a real problem and solve it with original and efficient solutions.

How can they represent an added value for a buyer who invests in an Italian brand?
The possibility to offer competitive products for quality and innovation is an added value that allows also to our customers to differentiate themselves in their own markets.

Do you think it would be desirable a stronger synergy among producers to strengthen the made-in-Italy in the world?
I think that the most important thing is to protect it from an unfair and incorrect use, that damages the market in a double way: it pretends that something is Italian when it is not, and it is often of poor quality. “Made in Italy”, so, means that the entire national production chain has specific skills and know-how that need to be protected and preserved.

A running export
The roots of Falmec sink into a traditionally fertile territory for Italian businesses: the Veneto region in the north-east where, in 1980, Maurizio and Danilo Poser laid the foundations of a reality that today employs 150 persons and produces 130,000 pieces per year. In particular, over 120 models are made for 700 different versions. Two-thirds of sales are generated through exports.
Idea, project, product
Eolo E.ion System_01 (640x640)Each hood is the result of an internal design and production, without any relocation abroad. The company uses the AISI 304 stainless steel (with an alloy with 18% chromium and 8% nickel), the Stratox ® patented technology that enables the production of multi-layer panels, and the Fasteel steel. In addition to the range E.ion, the Silence Collection stands out. Thanks to the Noise Reduction System (NRS) developed by Falmec in collaboration with laboratories specialized in studies on fluid dynamics and application of sound-absorbing materials, these hoods are the quietest on the market. For best performance, they must be connected externally using all the components of the NRS system. It is also possible to use them in the filtering mode with an optional carbon filter - washable and reusable - that should normally be replaced after 3 years of use.
Like the mountain air
Rubik_E.ion System (640x640)In nature, ions are produced and released into the air from the waterfalls, waves and lightning. Equally, they can be perceived in the crisp mountain air. The hoods of the collection E.ion recreate them at home through a bipolar electric field applied to the air flow generated by the hood: so, the organic molecules released into the air from food preparation are neutralized, eliminating the perception of cooking odors. In broader perspective, the technology defeats mold, fungi, spores and smoke, making the home air healthier, even when nobody is engaged in cooking. From the technical point of view, these products eliminate the need to lay pipes for the evacuation of smoke and solve various problems of installation: they can be placed anywhere. A sensor detects the presence of all polluting agents in the air and, according to their greater or lesser concentration, gradually colors of yellow or green the leaf-shaped indicator on the control panel. The filters, which combine carbon and zeolite do not need maintenance: they can be regenerated every 18 months and replaced on average after 3 years.