Celebrations for the 10 years of Smeg Russia


Smeg organized a big event to celebrate its 10th anniversary of the activity in Russia. The solemn ceremony was held at the Italian Embassy in the center of Moscow and was conducted by the longtime friend of the brand – Andrey Malakhov. More than 200 participants attended the event: employees and clients, celebrities and fashion opinion-leaders gathered for the occasion. «The 10th anniversary of Smeg Russia – commented the vice president of the company, Vittorio Bertazzoni – has coincided with other significant positive changes for us at the global level. First of all, with the Smeg’s strengthening as a trendsetter in the segment of household appliances. Once Smeg had already managed to break the usual ideas about the purpose of kitchen appliances in the house, and we are happy to continue our aesthetic mission, bringing to the industry the experience of world-renowned architects and designers. We are glad that our last collaboration with D&G found a response in the hearts of Russian designers. As a result, their Russian folklore interpretation of Sicily Is My Love collection is a thing of big interest and our great respect! This step is a very important indicator of our success!» The alliance of Italy and Russia was highlighted by the main action of the program: the show of exclusive joint collections, made by Smeg together with Dolce & Gabbana and with the “Russian Seasons” project.