Twenty completed the acquisition of Sèleco


selecoTwenty S.p.A., company operating in the consumer electronics market and owner of Magnadyne brand, announced that it has completed successfully the acquisition of Sèleco, the historical Italian brand born in the 60s as a division of Zanussi, and become autonomous in 1984. It was a very important brand becoming in 1986 the first Italian producer of color television sets with 13% share of the domestic market. Twenty has just successfully concluded the acquisition of the assembly lines, which will be transferred to the office of Como, with the aim of making Sèleco a real made in Italy brand in a few years. For the design, strategies and recovery of the brand, Twenty, driven by Maurizio Pannella, trusts in the know-how of Aurelio Latella, marketing, business strategy, innovation and business development expert for many multinational companies, such as Accenture, Deutsche Bank, Telecom Italy Mobile and Bose. The new range of Sèleco TVs, including high-definition models from 24 to 55-inch, will be on the market from next April 2017 in the medium-high end positioning.