Context: much more needs to be done to promote the smart home



A Context research into 2,500 Europeans (500 from the UK) demonstrates that much more needs to be done to promote the smart home. Only just over half had heard of the term smart home, and almost two-thirds had seen or heard it mentioned, promoted, or advertised ‘not very often’, ‘infrequently’, or ‘never’. So, Context underlines that retailers need to play a more active and visible role in championing the smart home. Of all the ways that the public have heard about devices and solutions, retailers come out on top. 56% saw products either in-stores, or on retailer websites.

Adam Simon, global managing director of Context
Adam Simon, global managing director of Context

The next most popular channels tied at 20% were from friends and family, and TV and radio ads. However, when we asked if people thought retailers were going a good job of explaining the smart home concept, only 12% agreed. «We know there is a genuine opportunity for retailers – Adam Simon, Global Managing Director, Retail Business Development at Context, explains – to own a significant portion of the smart home market. Currently many retailers stock products by department—lightbulbs are in home furnishings, thermostats are in electronics, and ovens in appliances. As we know, the smart home is an ecosystem that works as one, and as such it needs to be promoted as a whole. John Lewis is a shining example of how to tie it all together with their dedicated smart home space at their flagship Oxford Street store. French and German retailers such as Lick!, Fnac and MediaMarkt, are also adopting this approach and reaping the benefits.»